The Snarl!

Edvard Munch gave the world The Scream… well, actually four versions of the masterpiece. Do click here to visit the ever informative Wiki-P. Reading about the four works has led me to wonder… if one piece could sell for $119,922,600 in 2012 would a copy of my Snarl stand any chance of earning 10% of that figure in 2014? One or maybe three present would be good enough but imagine 10%!

The Snarl, by AJ Vosse, June 2014 - a future masterpiece? Who knows?

You may have noted the bride in the background… yep, our happy fella was the main-man video recorder. Professional he was but I got the impression that he would really have liked to be somewhere else. I’m still wondering about that 10%… and if it was me, the amateur, he was snarling at?

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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7 Responses to The Snarl!

  1. says:

    A snarl if I’ve ever seen one! You should send it to him. Professionals should look the part no matter what ! What a beautiful Bride!


    • aj vosse says:

      I think I should as the groom to pass on the photo! 😉

      Yes, the bride looked absolutely stunning! The beauty of it is that she never took off her dress, even late into the night. The veil went but she didn’t dress down. Scroll a little further down for a better look at the couple…

      On 12 June 2014 08:57, Ouch!! My back hurts!! wrote:



  2. aj vosse says:

    Thanks… the black thing is the stills photographer’s camera and flash.

    Occupational hazard I’m afraid, they get well paid… I’m an ameteur having fun and occasionally getting a rare beauty to pass on to the bride and groom… for free! 😛


  3. macpurrson says:

    What a terrific capture of that facial expression!!! What’s the black thing in the lower, right corner? The picture is really interesting to look at.

    I’ve heard many professional photographers, who were hired to shoot weddings, complaining about all the other people with cellphones, getting in the way.. 😀


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