Blog Hopping Fun!

A few weeks ago I did a blog hop and in so doing discovered three new blogs. So why not do another hop beginning at “In Cahoots With Muddy Boots” most recent post. Why not visit for a few relaxing moments before going off on your own hop?

My cursor settled on Becca and Alex – how does a bit of roaming wild and free sound to you? Do yourself a favour though, don’t just skip along at full tilt. Stop off here and smell the wild outdoors… these folk know how to get about in style… well, sort of!

Fortunately Becca and Alex have a large following so I had 100 likes from which to choose my next hop. One or two didn’t work out but by the fourth attempt I discovered Leanne of NIHONGOJAPANGO. Yep, that’s a mouthful but it matters not. You’ll be richly rewarded by your visit.

Lekker!! The word is as South African as biltong, Springbok and protea can be! Yes, if it’s lekker it can be anything from sweet, juicy and flavoursome to a vista of Table Mountain on a hot summer’s day. It can be and is most likely one of the most used words in SA… from natural beauty to having a great time… if it’s lekker then you’re likely to really enjoy it!! Your cherry could be described as being lekker… but there’s not much more lekker than when the SA cricket or rugby teams beat the Kiwi’s, Ozzies… or Pomms!! (By the way… if you’re a boy child, your cherry is your lovely, sweet, seductive partner… but that’s a story for another day.)

By now you must really be scratching your head but it’s easy to explain. My last hop for the day landed on gfchopstix! I chose the like because of the Gravatar logo caught my attention and when I clicked into it the word lekker was about the first thing to catch my eye!! Go… you’ll have fun reading and learning about gluten-free… and other things.

So? What on earth do I give you for a photo? Well, it’s still close up week so why not give you a common thread that may be found in all today’s featured blogs. Food. Yes, even mine. Gluten free, not intentionally but as it has no wheat products associated it must be. The makings of a great lemon, herb and honey chicken marinade!

Hot colours... all gluten free?? Chilly and garlic... the way to go!!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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4 Responses to Blog Hopping Fun!

  1. Thanks for the shoutout! We’ll make sure to skip along at a safe pace to avoid face planting the dirt!


  2. joanfrankham says:

    Lekker post, I will be checking the suggestions.


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