Fun With Fuzzy!

As this is the first Monday of the second half of the year, I just want to say thanks again to all the regular and not so regular visitors to my blog! I know I’ve been a little low in reciprocating visits. As I mentioned a month or so ago, my blogging mo-mo is a little low! I’m sure it will pick up again some day.

OK… now onto friend Fuzzy. He’s our domestic pet. A cat of note… always ready for a scrap. On this occasion I was cleaning a cut of beef. I remove all the bits of sinew and gristle, always ensuring I leave a bit of meat on… just for him! OK… before the puritanical pet food gurus tell me how wrong it is to give a cat raw meat… I do it as a rare treat.

Fuzzy knows the drill. I usually complete all the cleaning before he gets his treat. But… on this occasion he kept bugging me so I thought it would make for a great photo opportunity. We had fun… and I managed a few one-handed shots…

Fuzzy, our cat, working hard to earn his treat!

Happy Monday! May all the happiness you wish on yourself for this week happen!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
This entry was posted in Factual Opinion, Family & Life, Fun and Food, Photography, The Birds and the Bees, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Fun With Fuzzy!

  1. de Wets Wild says:

    Hoe kan dit sleg wees vir n kat om rou vleis te eet? Dis tog waarvoor hulle geskape is, dan nie?


  2. liha129 says:

    That cat is so cute.Great post.If you can please visit my site


  3. I love cats and I love that shot. I don’t actually understand why anyone says you shouldn’t give cats raw meat. Sounds like a load of tosh given that they hunt and consume small prey and their wild cousins are perfectly adapted – not just to digest raw meat but also perfectly adapted to digest carrion. Sorry – rant over! 🙂 🙂

    Susan at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dis die pragtigste kat!


  5. Christina B says:

    Our cat pulls your hand closer with her paw when she’s waiting for a treat. Great shot though!!

    Liked by 1 person

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