Chaos Theory?

The purists and mathematicians are surely gonna shoot me for my interpretation but the concept of chaos theory has stuck in my head from early days. I think someone once tried to suggest that the following is the nutshell definition –

chaos = when order turns to disorder in the shortest possible time 

This, if I can remember correctly, applies to all things man-made. Think… build a beautiful house out on the plains or in the forest. Then, horror above horror… leave the place for a period of time without maintenance. When returning it will be most likely be that nature will have regained control… so, in about a hundred years, almost all signs of the man-made order would have turned to oblivion. Good.

Somehow, this concept emerged again in the dark of night… and my mind turned to some of the creative pieces that I’ve cobbled together in the name of art. Some may recall that I’m a massive Jackson Pollock fan. But, then I’m also a massive Piet Mondrian fan. Their inspiration has led me to attempt the combination of linear order and random chaos. Maybe a true reflection of the oft mysterious workings of my mind…

OK… now I’ve really reached the limits of my order… if you think the chaos is of no relevance then I won’t be offended… maybe just a little hurt!

A thumbs up to the muse!! Bring on the colour!!!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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26 Responses to Chaos Theory?

  1. Anonymous says:



  2. Anonymous says:



  3. joanfrankham says:

    Great art – would look good anywhere!


  4. Welgedaan …Ek hou hiervan


  5. Galen911 says:

    Bravo!!! You knew I’d love this one huh?


    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Actually… I did think of you while I was putting the post together!! Your Christmas Tree came to mind… so did your Three Squares!
      Amazing how two mature lads can be so enthralled by line and form… and spontaneous chaos!


  6. Osyth says:

    I love the Mondrian vs Pollock paintings …. ordered resting in chaos indeed.


  7. Pingback: Chaos: Dark Skies | What's (in) the picture?

  8. These are all brilliant illustrations of order versus chaos. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love it, the combo of colours and chaotic disorder.


  10. HesterLeyNel says:

    Love the thumb-art. 😀 I can live with the concept of man-made “order” turned to oblivion. In fact, I think I can write a whole book about it (or maybe a blog).

    Liked by 1 person

  11. My interpretation might be a very ordered presentation of having all the grandkids in for a day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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