Thursday Thought – Cut Confusion – CO2 ≠ Pollution!

To begin with… yes… I also know there will be people out there who call me a climate denier. So, I challenge you, get yourself educated before you shout abuse at me. And please, don’t quote fake science. I also know many will glance at the post and move on, not wanting to like or comment – and maybe not even bothering to read the full post. However, I will keep speaking out… as it is awful to see how our children are being brainwashed and used by a grouping of radicals, people with really sinister agendas.

CO2 pollution! Yes, that’s correct!

And this my friends, is where the confusion comes in. Many school teachers, who don’t know basic science/ biology/ chemistry (or truth) are teaching our children that CO2 is pollution! However, how do you suppose we would stay alive if there wasn’t any carbon dioxide… or, if it was toxic?

CO2 is a vital life ingredient – it is the constituent of the atmosphere that plants convert into their food… building their structures and releasing oxygen… the stuff we need to stay alive. OH, did I mention that we then exhale CO2? So… that in itself should be sufficient proof that CO2 isn’t toxic or a pollutant.

OK… I hear some of you saying, CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Yes… it may have a minuscule greenhouse effect. But hey… did you know that clouds and water vapour are also greenhouse gasses… and that they are massively larger constituents of the atmosphere… something to the order of magnitude of 100+. Yes… soon those clever people who tell you CO2 is the cause of all the problems will tell you we have to pay a water vapour tax too!

Control… taxing you more and more and stipulating that you use expensive, heavily subsidised renewable energy. NOTE – I have nothing against going green, in a practical and pragmatic way. (I do wonder who are the greatest beneficiaries of this renewable energy industry?) However, fossil fuel technology is the reason why you’re reading this… and if you want to maintain your lifestyle in comfort, you will need to use fossil fuel and it’s byproducts as long as you live… and as long as your decedents live.

So… that is where real technology comes in. We need to find better ways of stopping the pollution caused by burning fossil fuel. Capture/ convert the emissions and then dispose of the pollutants in a safe and sustainable way. That friends, is the answer… not government policy that robs us of individual freedom! Not laws and regulations that force more of our hard-earned monies out of our pockets… only to land in the bank accounts of a few select manufacturing companies – companies who are already benefiting from government subsidies. Yes, you guessed… subsidies propped up by unfair taxes taken from us by governments hellbent on more control!

I’ll leave you with a few links… you can read or watch. Evidence that we don’t have to believe what the mass media is throwing at us! Also evidence that the truth must come out… for the sake of our children’s future…

OK – that’s enough for now. Just before I go… if you’ve got this far, thanks for reading and as always, educate yourself and your children!

PS – If you’re wondering about the photo – the foreground is a harvested field – possible because the plants converted the CO2 (and other substances) into food… and in the distance… green pastures and trees… more food and shelter – for animals and humans!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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14 Responses to Thursday Thought – Cut Confusion – CO2 ≠ Pollution!

  1. Pingback: Thursday Thought – Carbon Calamity – How DARE YOU!? | Ouch!! My back hurts!!

  2. perdebytjie says:

    “How dare you” …moes sy liewer gevra het oor die feit dat sy in ‘n lieflike seiljag kon vaar…vervaardig deur uitlating van co2, kos in die seiljag, wifi, bemanningslede wat betaal moes word en wat na die tyd huis toe moes vlieg ….sou baie minder gekos het as net sy en haar pa gevlieg het. Biodegradable toilet wat in die see gestort is na gebruik…wat ‘n klug! “Do as we say, don’t do as we do!”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. perdebytjie says:

    Ek sien nou een van jou skakels isna haar histeriese boodskap

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Helen Bushe says:

    I agree that a balanced, well-informed view is necessary. Mass hysteria never solved anything!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. perdebytjie says:

    Interessante skakels, Vossie. Ek is al so moeg vir hierdie klug en veral vir daardie dogtertjie wat deur mense met agendas gebruik word om hul misplaaste propaganda te versprei.

    Liked by 1 person

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