Tagged? I’ve been Had!!

A week or so ago I noticed a mention of OMBH on Hallysann’s Photographic Memories… more than a mention really, OMBH actually got tagged as one of the five blogs the good lady follows. I thought a bit about the whole concept… chuffed at the thought of the mention, yet wondering if I’m up to a few honest answers. I eventually posted a reply on that particular entry… I promised I would reciprocate once the wedding got itself out of the way.

So… here goes. Mrs Sparkly is seemingly the trend setter… the asker of questions. I’m merely complying with the requirements as passed on… the following questions are the standard, so… as I’m by nature a contrary sort I’ll answer the first one with a touch of duality… 

1. Describe yourself in seven words … Cantankerous, pernickety, difficult, waffler, stubborn, opinionated, argumentative… how’s that for 7 characteristics? I’m sure my family would at any one point of any given day mention one or more of these terms… all learned from me, of course! 😉

On the other hand… I would like to propose the following 7 options… intelligent, imaginative, caring, bright, provider, confidant, soul mate… 😛

2. What keeps you up at night? Who cares? Life’s cares… work related issues I can’t get out of my head… blog posts I’m in the process of completing… novel story lines… fun and games… noisy children and grand children… fun, like parties and weddings! 

3. Whom would you like to be? … I honestly don’t know… I’m sort of happy with who I am… I may often ponder the joys of living in a different era but I would do it as myself. Maybe that’s why I started writing… to live out some of my fantasies… have a look at my first attempt at a novel

4. What are you wearing now?… My work clothes, jeans, tee-shirt, covered by a shirt and jumper… then my warm woolly jacket over that… I’m on the train… homeward bound so I have it all on.

5. What scares you? … not being able to provide for my family… let’s just leave it there!

 6. What are the best and worst things about blogging? … The thought of not being able to reply to all comments… not having the time to read all the posts I used to get to before work arrived again… the thought of potentially having to step back from daily posts…

Best? Feedback and friendship. I’ve become very fond of some of you out there in cyber space. I wish that someday I can visit you all or even have you over here when my dreams come true!

7. What was the last website you looked at? … a work related intranet site… nothing exciting… 😉

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? … My impatience with folk… I don’t suffer fools lightly… 😉

9. Slankets – yes or no? … I also needed a bit of i-netting… and I agree with my tagger… NO

OK, I’ll end with a few thoughts about the person who set me up… 🙂 I think she may well be someone who’s enthusiastic about life, her family and home. Not forgetting mentioning something about her environment. I think she cares deeply about her immediate family, her husband and three daughters. Like me, she hates the cold and dark of winter, that’s why she often posts bright cheery summer photo’s.

The good lady is in her middle years… where sharing her life’s experiences are valuable to those around her. She’s a mentor, a friend and confidante to those who are fortunate enough to have had the pleasure of her friendship.

I thank you again for the honour of being tagged and as I’ve waffled enough (again) I’ll now do my duty and pass on 5 blog links I enjoy. There are many more on my blogroll… so, after you’ve had a look at these five, please do yourself a favour and visit the others as well…

Firefly… his was the first blog I started following… for good reason. He inspires me… and he reminds me of the good old hometown I miss soooo much!

Sheila… her photo’s are simply stunning… she has an extra-ordinary eye and very often puts a large smile on my face!

Gaelyn’s world… I envy her the wide open spaces and sense of free and easy caring for those around her… the lady always has something short, sweet and genuine to say about my posts! (PS – you make me feel guilty about not reciprocating often enough…)

Witchy’s blog, when she actually gets near a keyboard long enough these days… I miss her wit… and her inspiration…

Lesley’s wonderful way of describing her many and varied interests… if I had half the followers and hits this blog gathers I would consider myself a genius!! 😉

... something of beauty... the hair thingy worn by my good lady wife on the great day...

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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7 Responses to Tagged? I’ve been Had!!

  1. Pingback: Tag, you’re it - Geogypsy

  2. Gaelyn says:

    You felt so guilty you tagged me huh? Thanks for the honor.
    I like your “14” characteristics. And I love that hair piece your good lady wore to the wedding.
    I’ll work on the questions but I have to ask, what is Slankets?


    • aj vosse says:

      Guilty… yes, you are often way ahead of me in the comments stakes! As for blankets with a ‘S’… I, like everyone before me needed a bit of web help to find out… maybe that’s why I shoved a pretty strange sparkly pic onto the post… As mentioned before… the good lady looked well!! Thingy in the hair and all… 😉


  3. thanks for the kind words aj! I enjoy following your blog too… the first seven words you used are very much overshadowed by the second seven! 🙂 😛 🙂 tell the good lady she has good taste – very pretty.


  4. Sallyann says:

    Aww, ta muchly for the lovely words you used to discribe me. The seven words you chose to discribe yourself were wonderful … I’ll let you decide which seven I mean. 🙂
    Oh, and the Good Lady’s hair thingy is very pretty. 🙂


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