Peaceful… Steps of Ailsa’s WTT

Peaceful is a strong word. Not only that… it’s a rather an emotive concept… a state of mind. Where do we go with peaceful? Anywhere… really. Vague… yes, because peaceful can and always mean so much. So much… so peaceful, so dynamic. Peace? Peace…

07 127Yep, there is a myriad of ways to go with this one. I’ve chosen to show you something special…  something uniquely peaceful to me.

Colour...Why? Easy to explain. Look back at the last few week’s posts… you’ll see a muddied trail of pain and confusion… confusion. Pain. Now… look at Ailsa’s challenge this week. Peaceful!

07 133Together with the long overdue visit to the doctor’s… his jab, the beautiful weather we’ve been having and my rather up-beat state of mind it’s easy to find peaceful… yep, see the veins in the petals? They rather remind of the bits in our insides… if the blood pumps we’re OK!

07 149

OK… you just have fun! Peaceful fun…

PS – It’s the same flower… different camera settings for effect!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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1 Response to Peaceful… Steps of Ailsa’s WTT

  1. Creative and lovely pictures, AJ. “His jab” … hope you are well today.


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