Friday’s Frenzied Flights

This gull feeding carry-on is a fun-filled endeavour. Most of the time, that is! On occasion, one has to duck the messy missiles but on the whole the birds are well-behaved! Mostly I let her good self do the bread tossing while I do the happy napping… teamwork of the highest order. Oh, I mustn’t forget the invaluable contribution of the other team members. Yep, without the frenzied participation of the birds we’ll look rather silly there at the edge of the river!

Friday's feeding frenzy... fun!!

Happy Friday… may you have all sorts of good, clean fun this weekend!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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3 Responses to Friday’s Frenzied Flights

  1. Pingback: A 2016 suggestion for some interesting photographic sites | From guestwriters

  2. travel460 says:

    Mag julle ook ñ heerlike naweek hê, AJ.

    Liked by 1 person

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