Tuesday Tunes – A Collection of Johns

We were driving along the other day and this song came along. I haven’t heard it for quite some time so I listened to it a few times. Classy… and with a strong message. Listen… there’s a potent story here. John Kilzer… a man who has seen the rough side of life… and appreciates the effects life can have on individuals… appreciates, with compassion.

Listening to the song a third time gave me the idea of doing an all John post. So… keeping it in the same kind of mold… Americana, let me allow Mr John Hiatt to give you the next song. There will come many other days when I’ll want to play John Hiatt’s music and you bet, I will! It’s rather difficult play only one of his songs but this one will really get you moving! Just by the way… the lad playing Lead/ slide is Sonny Landreth… a superstar in his own right.

OK… here’s my long song for the week. Actually a mini-concert. I’ll let John Moreland take out today’s show. This lad can turn up the passion… real life big music. He sings the blues like his whole life depends on it!

I wanted to include a few of his other songs but their sound quality is poor… do yourself a favour… get Big Bad Luv… his latest offering. You won’t be disappointing… I promise!

And so… onto today’s photo… a bit more beach? If not… why not!?

Just as a reminder… not that you need one by now… if it wasn’t for Chris Prior’s podcasts I would most likely never have found out about John K and John M…

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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3 Responses to Tuesday Tunes – A Collection of Johns

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Tunes – 21 Questions! | Ouch!! My back hurts!!

  2. HesterLeyNel says:

    Ek wens my beach was so sonnig en windstil.Ek sit en knik nou my kop op maat van Moreland se musiek.

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Lekker knik… lekker strand toe!
      Ons het vanoggend weer daar ‘n draai gaan maak. Omtrent half tien daar aangekom… ‘n lekker drie grade maar in die son was dit asof ons kon t-hemde en slops aantrek! Ja.. en kortbroeke!! 😉


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