Alternative A to Z – No NEVER – Don’t Give UP!

Today I’m going to be a bit autobiographical. But please… don’t read it as a trumpet blowing exercise.

A month or so ago the Big Six-O rolled around for me. I’ve lived many, many… many up’s and maybe many more down’s since I began growing hair on my top lip. Mostly though… there has always been a ray of sunshine to help drag me through the rough times. So, gratitude plays a huge part in my life. Anyway, how many folk can say they held their own creations in their hands for the first time… after hitting the Big Six-O? I can testify to doing that… as I now have two collections of short stories available in paperback! UPDATE: Links included near the end of the post, thanks Prior.. (see comments.)

I’ve learned so much about life… and love … and managing the up’s and down’s. You know the old clichés about curve balls and lemons… so, all I’ll suggest is that you hit the balls and grab a bottle of whiskey, an ice bucket and squeeze in a splodge of lemon…

The moral of the story… NEVER give up! Hand-in-hand with that will be if you stop dreaming you may as well give up… so, foster those dreams! And of course, be grateful!

I have long loved this Peter Gabriel show… Paula Cole and the band do masterly jobs. Enjoy the track… and do yourself a favour, search out the whole concert, you won’t be disappointed… apart from one song which is really very, very… VERY dated, it’s a great show!

I’ll have to include a bit of colour today… something NEW… just in keeping with today’s letter… here’s something I’m working on…

PS – The blue is messing with my camera’s eye… it looks better in reality… I promise!

PPS – UPDATE: – Prior.. has just given me a quick lesson about placing links to my books… here, in the post! I’m often wary of placing two or more links… aware that my posts will then land in your spam-box! (As it seems my readership is waning, I don’t want to lose more visitors by doing that!)

But… here goes… links to where you can find the two collections… and I repeat my offer, if you want a signed copy, I’ll do it at the same price as what you get the paperbacks on Amazon… plus P&P which will be about € 9.00…

The Lucky Thirteen

True Stories and Other Lies

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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34 Responses to Alternative A to Z – No NEVER – Don’t Give UP!

  1. Prior... says:

    one more question about your books before I go on anymore – skimming book 2 and just got to the part about the rape – and can you tell me if there is much more of this in the stories.
    I know we are adults – but I forgot to ask if there was sexual content – and if so -how much – because it is not what I want on my kindle – and not trying to be prude – but sexual content is for a specific audience and sometimes there is a type of mental staining with what is included

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Thanks for asking.
      I would say the rape is key to that specific story. Her experience formed her. However, I don’t think I write sexually explicit stories. As you say, we are adults so occasionally my stories carry connotations… or references. I am very wary of a story being classes as explicit… but, hey… I’m human so when an idea for a story comes around, I will build the story using what I think works.
      As I say… that particular story is about how her experience forms opinion and also how it impacted a whole community.
      I can’t really say much more… because I believe the story is actually a love story… but, with a specific key relating to inward migration and its effects.
      A final note: My good lady is my editor in chief! I’m always aware of her reactions to a story. We’re believing Christians… need I say more… but, as I often say to her… she watches much worse on TV than I ever dare to write… yep, I sometimes choose to shock just a little. I also try to write a variety of stories, some very light, some more thought provoking… some slightly silly, as in my occasional takes on my version of fairy tales…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Prior... says:

        well thanks so much – and we all are only accountable to God for what we felt led to watch – or read. and so I will never judge either one of you for what you write.
        And I did sense that you wrote the rape into the story for the way it shaped the character. Good for you – (and in Downton Abby they have that rape occur – but they did it in a way that spared details – also – the Sopranos had the rape with Dr. M – a quick scene that impacted many episodes to follow).
        But I forgot to ask about sexual content and before I read anymore – I do want to know how much more is in the stories – because I feel certain writing is staining for me and again – this is just what I choose for me.

        Liked by 1 person

        • aj vosse says:

          Thanks again… if I can remember correctly, in the first book there are two stories that either have sex in them or can be deemed adult because of sexual content.
          In the second book there are three stories, including the mention of rape (and that is about all it is…) that have sexual overtones… not the whole story, but sex is in some minor way part of the story.
          Book one has a story containing a secret society ritualistic killing which contains sex.
          I think each and every story that contains mention of sex is done as tastefully as can be and really, nothing graphic or dirty… just human.
          OH, I think there is one story that contain the “F” word… once, for effect! I don’t swear, curse or blaspheme in real life… so, I tend to avoid foul language in my writing. However, once again… I write living in the world…
          I hope that answers your question. Also, I don’t watch TV… so, I really don’t have a clue as to the programs you mention… and not watching TV puts me at a slight disadvantage… because I don’t really know if I’m writing something that may seem to rehash a TV program…
          I think you should give the stories a go… I’m sure you wil enjoy at least 80% of them… however, if you don’t want to take the chance, I fully understand!
          OK… I’d better get off here and go to the beach! Enjoy your Easter! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • Prior... says:

            Thanks for letting me know and that mention of rape was a little more detailed than you think – the whole anal part and well
            I really appreciate you coming back with the details – seriously – that shows excellence and care!
            And respect – that you valued me enough to say all that.

            Liked by 1 person

            • aj vosse says:

              You know… I went out for a walk and gave the story a long think… remembering that I’d wanted to portray an arrogant domination slant. Yes, at the time I felt it necessary for the story.
              Thanks for all your comments and questions, you’re making me reassess my process and how I may structure stories in the future.
              I will add that I write a story and when I’m happy with its outcome I tend to forget it quite soon. My wife put it quite well a few months, she understands that I have to forget the stories… otherwise I’d have all these characters and scenes cluttering my brain… and possibly blocking new stories!

              Liked by 1 person

              • Prior... says:

                well you are obviously gifted with the ideas and story flow.

                and I think some people are more sensitive to certain material – and for me – this is why I prefer non-fiction –
                but I have friends who cannot listen to cwertain secular music as it bothers their inner spirit – if that makes sense – but i can listen to “some” secular music and it is fine.
                But the best analogy I had after reading your comment was when you noted that you and your wife are Christians. I get where you were going with this – but to me that means little to help define your work.
                Because Christians vary in their faith views and daily habits.
                and for a long time – my spouse and I stayed away from businesses that had the fish symbol or who tried to mention their Christian faith – when we really wanted to know if they were going to be honest and qualified with their business service.
                And it would be like someone telling me to have the food they suggest because they are a certified nutritionist –
                Just because they are certified and studied nutrition it does not mean I agree with them (and likely I would not because mainstream lies suggest grains and sugar carbs at almost every meal – ugh – and still get cholesterol wrong) – and so if I ask someone about the ingredients in a food dish – and the person prefaces it by saying they are a certified nutritionist – to me that is extraneous to the question – I want to know what is in the dish. Canola oil and vegetable oil are industrial oils that hurt the body – and then other ingredients matter to me.
                and so for you to preface that you are a Christian – this does not mean your story content is “okay” for me to put in my spirit.
                Stories drop seeds into the mind and as adept as a writer you are –
                certain content is on my list to avoid – for my mental storehouse – and just like I stay away from overly processed oils and food chemicals to help my body – I filter the stories I read.

                and so I learned a big lesson with this = i want to be supportive of writers I follow – but not sure how to go about doing this because I might not want to read what they write – the deep stirrings of their mind and the clever connections they thing are benign (and might be to them) are not necessarily for me.
                SO I am still processing what is next for my author follows.

                Liked by 1 person

                • aj vosse says:

                  OK, I mentioned Christian because I gathered from your blog that you are! It is a comment specifically meant for you. I’m not trying to fool anyone into thinking that my stories are lily-white. Also, in the splurb for each book I note the diversity of material and (in my opinion) the uniqueness of the collections, just because the stories are so different.
                  I hear what you’re saying about the fish symbol and businesses advertising as Christian. A Christian once told me never to do business with people who need to tell people what they believe. Likewise, I can’t really tell people what to read and what not to read. Kindle gives the option of classifying the books as adult, which I did – just to ensure people are aware that they are likely to bump into something that may not be what they want to read. Forewarned…

                  OK… as for the food and cholesterol, I’m fully with you on it all. So at least we can agree on something!
                  As I said yesterday, based on you comments and suggestions, I’ve given my process thought, and will continue to do so. Thanks! Yes, I do believe I am blessed when it comes to the story ideas and the ability to get them out of my head. I further believe it is a God given talent, therefore I should heed lessons when they’re presented.
                  Thanks again, I appreciate the time and effort you have put into your comments and questions.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Prior... says:

                    Hi – well thanks for the reply (again) and AJ – I actually knew that you mentioned the Christian thing because you know a bit of my faith connection (I sensed that and so it was awesome) –
                    and so my rambling was more of what i am learning here – and see – you are right – having the content as “adult” covers you and is exactly what you are supposed to do.
                    this is on me – and I just need a new “MO” going forward.
                    thanks again so much for the replies –
                    and your being open to chat about this –
                    says a lot –
                    deep bow of respect
                    and keep writing amigo

                    Liked by 1 person

  2. Prior... says:

    Hi – I am not sure if the actual post with “two or more links” goes to spam – I think it is comments with links that do – does that make sense?

    and enjoyed the song soooo much – Paula Cole and PG are two greats

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Murtagh's Meadow says:

    Belated Happy Birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. perdebytjie says:

    Baie geluk met daardie groot 60! Behalwe vir die effense liggaamlike aftakeling wat mens beleef, is dit vir my sover die beste tyd in my lewe. Geen druk om iemand te beïndruk nie, kinders is groot, manlief is afgetree en ons geniet die lewe.
    Jy het baie talente…boeke skryf, fotografie en nou sowaar nog skilder ook! Jy kan jou lekker besig hou daarmee as jy aftree.

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Dankie vir die goeie wense.
      Ek is so half en half op tydelike aftrede… af op “illness”… my nek en rug willi meer saamspeel nie… bestuur veroorsaak snaakse hoofpyne… afekteer my sig… so, ek moes ophou in Dublin toe vir werk elke werks dag… maar, die lewe is lekker!!
      Ja… ek het my lot aanvaar… dit het baie gehelp!
      Ons het op die 5de Mei ‘n Suid Afrikaanse dag… ek hoop om boeke en miskien ‘n kuns stuk of twee te verkoop… probeer geld bymekaar maak vir die New York besoek in September… wil ‘n 500mm lens gaan haal!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Prior... says:

    oh and my my my – happy 60th

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Prior... says:

    Are you painting that art piece? It is cool
    And congrats on the books – wow –
    I will check out the vid in a little bit

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Thanks… yes, it’s almost done. I’ve got a few more are projects going and always writing… fun! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Prior... says:

        🙂 looks great

        Liked by 1 person

        • aj vosse says:

          Thanks! I hope it sells… 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • Prior... says:

            the art or the books – or both?
            and you should leave a link for your books

            Liked by 1 person

            • aj vosse says:

              Links to the two books in the right hand widget bar! 😉


              • Prior... says:

                well dont take this the wrong way – but come on man!
                you are promoting your book and you assume we will see the widget bar?
                not even mention it – and then folks who read via email might want a link –
                and those who read int he reader don’t see the sidebar –
                but hey – it is your book (s)
                but my tip is add a link once or twice in the actual blog post – maybe right under that cool photo

                Liked by 1 person

                • aj vosse says:

                  Thanks… I’m gonna go do that right now!!
                  I don’t use the reader… so, I don’t know what happens there… also, I’m looking at going dot me soon so all the tips I can gather are good!
                  And, I’m looking at an e-mail newsletter kind of thing! 😉
                  Old goats can leann about new food sources!! 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Prior... says:

                    well right on – and trust me – I share this because I ONLY recently learned.
                    You also should set up a give away on Kindle – do you know how to do that?

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • aj vosse says:

                      Thanks! I did a give away in the past… spent many, many hours promoting the give away… for the total of ten units!! And, if I’m not mistaken, not one has placed a review!!
                      But… I’ll do it again. Also, I have it set up that if someone buys the paperback they can get the Kindle version for 99c!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Prior... says:

                      well I am still learning here – but if you want a review you might want to ask folks to read and leave them

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • aj vosse says:

                      Let’s just say I begged… because I believe that review are important – for Amazon rankings and to get prospective buyers interested!

                      Liked by 1 person

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