Profile Page… some of my Interests…

I did say a few weeks ago that I’ll try and tell more of myself and what caused this blog to happen… why I write or attempt to be a writer. So, if I may plagiarise myself… this is an extract from my profile page on the Authonomy site where I have my novel uploaded.

I’ve also said that my experiences on that site are very mixed… some folk seem to enjoy my book… others appear so self-centered that something with the slightest error is simply slated! I stress again… I’m still working and editing all the time…

OK… on to why I’ve included the extract… I feel it tells quite a bit about me… if you get a feel for what turns me on… and off… you get a glimpse of my character… I hope! 😉 I’ve left the section completely unaltered… apart from adding the photo…

Finally, I’ve placed the piece now… my reference to bluebells suggested that I should do so 😉 


The poor man’s library…

The Internet… anything about the European Canal System… of boats, of military aircraft… of helicopters…

Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa… any of Anthony Hall-Martin’s books on elephants… European Birds, protea books of any description… fish, trees and plants… mammals of Africa… reptiles… rodents… European Gardening… I can go on… ad infinitum… good, clean, heathy, non-fiction…

The Internet… of good wine and food… the Mediterranean lifestyle… beef biltong or traditionally cured, smoked ham… crayfish on the BBQ… kudu steak anyone?

Leonard Cohen, the 3 Bob’s… Dylan, Marley & Seger… Ms Baez… CSN&Y, Clapton, Harrison, Peter G, Ian Anderson… Ozzy… Mr Knoffler, Mike Batt, Harry Chapin, Johnny Clegg… Little Feet… big feet… U2 of old… pre-1985… when the fellow was still a singer! Yep… I can go on… and on…

The Internet… WW1 and other ridiculously violent, tragic, hopeless conflicts. To admire the true worth of mankind within the same context of his utter wasteful depravity… we are really not a pleasant lot… are we?

Wilbur Smith, Harold Robbins, James A Mitch, Sir JA… I’m really giving my age away now! Correct… I’m one of those grumpy old fella’s… yes, I am!

Did I mention the Internet? Of green energy… steam power… the beauty of the bluebell or the clatter of zero’s and one’s… 1000110001000100011111101001… the very building blocks of our site!

GSA... what do you mean look at the bluebells? Look at that! 😛

I talk too much…

The Internet… art, photography… style… Ferrari… cricket, golf… just walking outside without getting dumped on! Life…

Ultimate read? There can be only one… I have to confess, I don’t go there often enough…

Yes, it’s that one… millions have called it the greatest one… EVER!

The Holy Bible… King James version, for me please…

I say no more…

Oh, maybe I do… just because I like this site I’ll add my blog’s link… for the fun of it and to prove I’m real… haha… a wee bit of cross-referencing can’t do any harm… can it??


May I end… as I mention a bit of cross-referencing… this is where you can find the scribblings… good luck… stay well!! 😉

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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13 Responses to Profile Page… some of my Interests…

  1. Osyth says:

    I’m not for the Bible (St James’ or not) though I studied it for my A Level in England in 1978/79. I get it OK – I understand why it appeals but it’s not for me (even though I quote it copiously because the wisdom therein is wisdom whenever you come along as is all decent theological teaching). So that is now understood – I won’t taint your theology and you won’t attempt to convert me. But I get you. Really I get you and I like so much what I see – here’s a glass to the future which I hope will be full of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Well… where do I begin? Firstly… by saying hello and welcome! To be honest… I have to go back to that post and read it again. Then I will chat about it’s contents. In the meantime… So long Marianne seems a good starting point for a chat! I’ll do a little due diligence and see if I can catch a glimpse of the real you! The one getting out of the shadows! You belong out in the light! A stunning lady like you just does!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Osyth says:

        I must apologize for the rather appalling typing in my initial comment … Out in the bright sunshine typing with one finger and bravado I am guilty of not reading before hitting send. Bottom of the class for me and welcome to the world of the half baked! I wish you a beautiful and energizing Saturday 🙂


        • aj vosse says:

          I was wondering… sunlight and good French red do things like that to me!! 🙂 Apology accepted… maybe I’ll do a wee edit so your blushes are saved in the cyber future!! 😀 May your Saturday be bright and cheerful… I’m off the the cricket club to see son playing!! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • Osyth says:

            Thank you … This would be hugely appreciated! Enjoy the Cricket – there is absolutely NOTHING like it 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • aj vosse says:

              The edit has been completed… I hope it’s to your satisfaction! I’m sitting in the shade beside the field, it’s tea now so out comes the laptop and I upload the photos to make space on the camera’s card.
              Yes, I’m trying to enjoy it! It would be great now is if our team would pull their fingers far out of their collective holes and put up a better show when bowling to the opponents! Their batting wasn’t to cute!! (135 all out in less than 50 overs cannot be described as cute!!!)


  2. Pingback: Circle… | Ouch!! My back hurts!!

  3. Barbara says:

    The great god LC is at the top of your list of musical likes, that’s good enough for me!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • aj vosse says:

      Yep… for me too!! We were lucky to see him during his visit in September!! I did a few posts… have a look!

      PS – Thanks for swinging by… I do hope you’ll get a bit of vale and return for more!! 😉


  4. Erna Lambert says:

    Hi. I’m Erna Lambert and I’m a writing coach. This is certainly nicely composed. You were able to communicate yourself in a good approach, however there are numerous syntax lapses in what you had written. The title as an illustration is not in perfect grammar tense. I offer individual coaching to copy writers and I also have a software that I use to accomplish perfect articles and reviews everytime I write, and absolutely no this is not your average Microsoft Word syntax checker. You might want to check it. 🙂


    • aj vosse says:

      Thanks for looking in… I know there are errors… it is, after all, a personal blog and although I attempt to be correct when it comes to spelling and grammar I feel the tight shackles of the English language can be lifted ever so slightly… 😉 I don’t want to be too precise… it seems to restrict the flow and rhythm of my story lines. Again, thanks for your offer of assistance… I’ll have a look at the software. I hope you visit again… simply to enjoy the posts… well, I hope they give a little enjoyment! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Witch Twin says:

    Thou art a very complex man.
    At least it’s cross-referencing and not cross-dressing lol
    Hugs and thanks for your very kind words on my blog.


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