Flippant Flapper Friday – Happy Dayz…

Guess what? Next week this time the big day will be gone… again! Enjoy your last minute preparations. If you haven’s got that special something for that special person yet (like me), you’re in trouble. But then… I’ve been working to spread happy cheer, worldwide! Look right…

OK… so, as I dash out to go get that special thing… easy you see, I know what it is and where to go get it, I’ll advise that you jump onto that internet platform you occasionally use!

Right… there you have it! The flappers… now, here’s your flippant moment… but, if you’re a prude… don’t click here, just don’t. Be warned… contains a few four letter words, not for the fainthearted, I promise. So, why am I daring to place the link? Because, my halo slipped for a few minutes… or so… then fell off while I was rolling around on the ground, trying to retain my dignity!

Have fun, be GOOD!

Remember… time for you to click here… for good, edifying music… and soon to share content! Submission welcome… yep, I’m begging! Happy dayz!!

About aj vosse

Love life, live love... share life... share love!
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